
Basic of Car
The diagram below details the most common parts to be found on a model R/C car.

Caster angle describes the angle of kingpin relating to vertical plane of ground when looking at the side of the car. Basically, the more caster angle increases the amount of steering exiting corners, the less caster angle tends toward over In other words, it affects how quickly your racer turns. But the more stable traction in line while driving in fast, bumpy condition.

 Camber settings will change the amount of area on your tires that make contact with the track surface. This can produce a drastic change in the amount of traction your tires will provide. In general, the more contact the tire has with the track, the greater the traction will be.

Toe describes the variation from parallel of the tires inward or outward when viewed from directly above. When the tires appear to be steering slightly toward each other, it's toe-in. When they appear to be steering slightly apart, it's toe-out. Toe-in may increase the steering, stability of traction and handling during acceleration. But the extra steering may cause slight difficulty to enter corners. Toe-in angle can be adjusted by adjusting the turnbuckles.


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